Gretchen Dreimiller
Library Director
Emily Morgan
Assistant Director
Kenya Richardson
Circulation Librarian
Call: 352-638-9807
Text: 352-640-2286
Monday-Friday: 8am-8pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 10am-8pm
The library is dedicated to providing a welcoming environment conducive to academic productivity through student activity, instruction, and research assistance. We are committed to serving students, faculty, and staff by offering quality print and electronic resources.
Circulation periods vary according to the type of material and other considerations. Below are general checkout guidelines for each type and policies for overdue or damaged materials. The library staff will work with faculty, staff, and students whenever possible to accommodate individual needs.
Books: Most books are available for checkout by students for a four-week period, with renewals possible. At certain times of the semester, library staff may limit the number of print books from specific areas of the collection that can be checked out by each student.
Audiovisual Materials: Most audio materials and DVDs are available for a seven-day period by students. Only faculty may check out DVDs that are on Course Reserve.
Students with overdue materials may be prevented from borrowing anything else from the library until the items have been returned.
Borrowers whose materials are “lost” and cannot be returned will be charged the item’s replacement cost. Any overdue books or unpaid fines at the end of the term will result in the withholding of grades and student transcripts.
Copies of the current semester’s textbooks, class notes, and materials placed “On Reserve” by instructors are located at the Circulation Desk and are available for use only in the library or classroom for a two-hour period.
As students are often distracted by markings, highlighting, or underlining in books, these forms of damage to library materials are prohibited. Replacement costs will be charged for damaged library materials.
Photocopying is available free of charge for students in the library. Copiers are located throughout the library. All photocopying must be in accordance with COPYRIGHT laws.
Scanning is available in the library. Students may request assistance from library staff, who can help students scan to a flash drive or email.
Wi-Fi printing is available in the library. The library offers free black & white or color printing (for class purposes only) for students and faculty, and all desktops are attached to a printer. The library also offers 4 Dell laptop computers for check-out for 2 hours in the library.
It is the policy of the Beacon College Library to provide easy access to the Internet for all students. The library provides a number of desktop computers throughout the library and in the study rooms, as well as 4 laptop computers available for check-out. See a member of the library staff for information on how to check out a laptop or where to find a desktop in the library.
Librarians and staff offer assistance, guidance, and instruction on the best use of the Internet as a research tool and information source. However, determining the accuracy or authenticity of Internet resources is the ultimate responsibility of the user. Users must recognize that the Internet is an uncontrolled information resource with a highly diverse user group and should be used with discretion. Users shall not hold the College responsible for the Internet’s content.
Users observed violating acceptable use guidelines are instructed to cease the activity immediately.
Violating copyright laws and fair use provisions through inappropriate reproduction or disseminations of copyrighted text, images, or other resources.
Headphones must be used when audio is needed, and they can be checked out from the Circulation Desk.
Any display of images, sounds, or text which could create an atmosphere of discomfort or harassment for others.
The library recognizes that defining immoral or unethical uses of the Internet is highly subjective and that users may access questionable sites in pursuit of academic projects.